Skin Clinic

5 Reasons Why You Should Arrange An Appointment For a Skin Check NOW!

  • Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with Skin Cancer by the time they are 70
  • Melanoma is the third most common cancer in Australia in both women and men
  • The sooner a skin cancer is detected and treated the better your chance of avoiding surgery and potential disfigurement
  • Familiarise with your skin, to pick up any changes that might suggest skin cancer – Look for: any crusty non healing sores, new spots, freckles, or moles changing in colour or thickness. If you notice any changes arrange an appointment with the doctor for a skin check immediately
  • The good news is that skin cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer in Australia.

Having regular skin checks will help you be aware of any skin changes

At Lotus Family Clinic Doctors are aware of the importance of skin health including preventative measures, skin checks and suitable management of many conditions.

When making an online appointment for a skin check, please write in the comments box that the appointment is for a skin check and the front staff can book in a long appointment accordingly. This will usually take around 20 minutes. Our doctor will discuss the finding(s) with you and possible treatment(s). Please be advised additional fees apply for all skin procedures.

We have the equipment for checking skin, and a well-equipped treatment room for excision of lesions if indicated. Our centre is fully accredited and complies with Australian standards and regulations. Our doctors are experienced in the detection, treatment and removal or biopsy of skin cancers/moles at our centre. If you are concerned at any stage about any changes to your skin e.g. moles, sun spots, solar keratosis, please make an appointment as soon as possible. Your doctor will conduct an examination and if further treatment is required they will discuss this with you before proceeding. Monitoring and a repeat visit for review is the common outcome.

If a skin cancer is diagnosed, your doctor may consider a number of factors to determine the best treatment for your skin cancer, including :

  • Location
  • Size
  • Local inflammation
  • Any past history

If your doctor advises that surgery is involved (biopsy/excision) or a combination of treatment methods your doctor will discuss this with you before proceeding. Often the cancer is removed with the biopsy and no further treatment is needed. If the skin cancer is large or has spread beyond the surface of the skin, more tissue needs to be removed and a dermatologist's advice may be required. Please ensure that you discuss any concerns with your doctor immediately.

For more information, please refer to Skin Cancer and Melanomas website.

We have access to the assistance of many Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons if needed for our patients’ convenience. To find out more about our Skin Clinic services please call LFC.

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